Eric Clark

Public Sector Technology Innovator

Session 7 – Building a career in IT and the power of networking

Welcome to Season 2 of The Tech Execs! After reviewing listener feedback, we are pivoting the Tech Execs to focus on up and coming technology workers, looking to break their way into technology and management. In our seventh episode, we discuss one of the most powerful tools of building a career: networking.

The Three Paradoxes of Networking

While many pay lip service to the power of networking, not many follow through to make it a habit. Networking, when effectively executed, is the closest thing to magic in the business world. It leads to the greatest opportunities while allowing you to contribute to your network.

However, to get great results, you have to respect the three paradoxes of networking. Approach networking with common knowledge and you’ll get mediocre results. Approach networking with a different approach, and great opportunities will appear at every turn.

Paradox One: Despite wanting to benefit yourself, you have to be altruistic in your networking

Your goal 95% of the the time when effectively networking with others is to figure out how to help as much as possible. People who network just to benefit themselves rarely grow big networks and almost never find that one in a hundred opportunity that leads to great results. When networking, know what will help you, but always be on the lookout to help others.

Paradox Two: Despite having ‘networking’ events, networking needs to become a habitual habit

Most people treat networking as an event… something you do after work once a quarter because your boss said it would be good for you. The best networkers find a way to always network in their life. Whether that’s through answer messages on LinkedIn, reaching out to people on or just emailing someone for coffee, the best networkers find a way to make networking habitual and instinctual.

Paradox Three: Despite being altruistic, you need to treat networking like a business

You normally think of marketing as an activity relegated to business, but in networking, treating yourself like a business is one of the most important steps to making progress. If you try to wait around for someone to network with you, you’ll be lonely and not making much progress. If you learn to effectively message people through cold emails and warm introductions, you’ll begin to make a lot more progress. These technical details seem like things only businesses do, but the best networkers treat their networks like a business.


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