Welcome to the Tech Execs Podcast In fact, welcome to our inaugural episode. We have been wanting to start a podcast for years and have finally committed to doing it. After having recorded several episodes now it’s clear to us that the key to producing a podcast is commitment and consistency. We truly hope you enjoy…
You probably don’t need to sell the idea of using Slack to your co-workers, but you do need to make a case to whoever’s paying the bills. I did just that. With the input from a couple of my colleagues, I formed a nice business case and proposal for using Slack at my company in…
How to Increase Your Productivity
5 min read
Every day we’re inundated with information. Chat’s blowing up. A client has a “hot” issue. Your boss needs your help on a presentation. The kids need to go to practice after work. Somewhere in there you need to eat. The list goes on and on and it doesn’t stop. It’s easy to see how our…
How to Create Reusable Apple Mail Templates [video]
2 min read
UPDATE: Apple has removed the Stationery feature from Apple Mail in macOS Mojave, so I have come up with an even easier way to create email templates in Apple Mail. Do you ever find yourself writing the same general email over and over? I’ve found myself spending a lot of time responding to initial questions…