Eric Clark

Public Sector Technology Innovator

Session 1 – How to make the most of your Big Data initiative

Welcome to the Tech Execs Podcast

In fact, welcome to our inaugural episode. We have been wanting to start a podcast for years and have finally committed to doing it. After having recorded several episodes now it’s clear to us that the key to producing a podcast is commitment and consistency. We truly hope you enjoy the show and we’d love to hear from you.

Our podcast is focused on tackling the biggest topics in technical executive management and giving easy, actionable insight.

In this pilot episode, we are going to tackle one of the biggest buzzwords in technology today: Big Data. We will be discussing the reality and hype around Big Data, including the origin of how this technology got started. By the end of this episode, we hope to give your team insight into how you can better handle Big Data initiatives.

We want to hear from you!

Our purpose with the Tech Execs is to drive discussion through the biggest problems you and your team are experiencing. We do not consider ourselves storytellers, but consultants and each episode we are consulting with you. If you have a question or a topic that you want to discuss, please email us as or leave a comment below. We will read every email and pick out topics to use for future episodes.

Your hosts,

Eric Clark and Brian Schuster

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